Monday, 23 January 2012

The Deaf Man Visits His ill Neighbour

  One day, a man who knew the right way to behave in the world advised a deaf man that one of his neighbours was ill and that he absolutely must visit him. The deaf man replied, "I am hard of hearing.
If I go and see him, what can i say to him? Especially if he's really ill, then his voice won't be clear, and I'll never be able to understand what he says."

  Nevertheless, he decided to do his duty and visit the sick man. While on his way, he thought to himself, "When the patient moves his lips, I'll be able to guess what he's saying. 'How are you, O troubled friend?' I'll say. Of course, he'll reply, 'I'm fine,' or 'I'm well.' 'Thanks be to God,' I'll say. After that I'll ask, 'What have you eaten?' He'll reply, 'I've had a sherbet drink,' or 'lentil soup.'  I'll say, 'To your health,
bon appetit.' Then, 'Which doctor is looking after you?' I'll ask. Whatever his answer I'll say, 'He's one who brings great fortune with him. If he sees you you will get better.' And we tried him, too. wherever he goes, people get what they need from him,' I'll add."

  The deaf man, who arrived at the sick man's house with these thoughts, began to ask questions one after another, and interpreting the answers as he had guessed, responded to them in the way in which he had previously prepared. "How are you, friend?"
      "Don't ask! I'm dying."
      "Oh, thanks be to God!" The patient was insulted by these words, lost his morale and became upset. "What reason has he got for being thankful? It must mean that this man wants only the worst for me," he muttered.

  The man who could not hear asked, "What have you eaten?" The sick man replied angrily, "Poison!" When, without hearing the answer, the visitor exclaimed, "Bon apettit," the sick man's distressed increased.

  After this the visitor asked, "Which doctor is coming to find a cure for your troubles?" The sick man rebuked him, saying, "The Angel of Death is coming. What's it to you? Get out of my house and look after your own business!" The man replied, "You should be happy. His coming is very blessed." The sick man was really disconcerted by this reply and thought, "It seems like this man is my mortal enemy."

  However, his clueless deaf neighbour returned home, pleased at having done his duty and visited a sick friend.

~~Know this: The sick man was quick to jump into false conclusion that the visitor was a mortal enemy who wanted to see him weak, but the deaf man was pleased he had visited his neighbour, thinking he had done his duty. It is not enough to understand only what you hear with your ears. It is important to understand some things with your heart, which senses hidden meanings.

Mathnawi selection for young readers, from the book 'Tales from Rumi'
- composed by Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi