Namun, saya mahu kongsi sedikit ilmu kepada pembaca tentang salah satu perisitiwa besar dalam sejarah Islam ini, sedkit muhasabah.
Muhasabah Maal Hijrah.
Boleh diakatatakan juga yg saya lihat di kampus kita sendiri berlaku hijrah. Amazingly! almost everyday satu aras bernomad,bukan saya rasa satu asrama..betul tak Aiman Hizami?.
Ini pun program(aktiviti luar bilik) Bpart sebenarnya secara tidak langsung.
Alhamdulillah, ia memang aktiviti yang bergiat aktif sejak turun temurun.
Tahniah IQRaC, Tahniah Bpart.
Diriwayatkan daripada Abdullah bin Amr r.a: " Nabi Muhammad SAW pernah bersabda yang maksudnya:" Seorang Muslim adalah orang yang tidak merugikan Muslim lainnya dengan lidah, mahupun dengan kedua tangannya. Dan seorang Muhajir (orang yang berhijrah) adalah orang yang meninggalkan semua larangan Allah SWT."
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh.
I rafa'kan Praise to God, with peace and blessings on the Prophet, if not for the grace and
Mercy, extraction of blood and sweat him, we should not be here with grace and
Mercy, extraction of blood and sweat him, we should not be here with grace and
Ladies and gentlemen, I loved because of God.
Has come to our new year Hijrah. 1 Muharram 1433, yesterday. Real God with His Mercy,
Mercy, and inayahNya, we have to prolong life. So should we look back, how do we respond to
this Mercy?
Mercy, and inayahNya, we have to prolong life. So should we look back, how do we respond to
this Mercy?
This is where we embed ambition, for the year 1433H, it became a variant of the increase and
improvement ourselves. Good in terms of practice, also in terms of morality and behavior.
improvement ourselves. Good in terms of practice, also in terms of morality and behavior.
Migration to the right.
This message is not the time to reflect on the history of emigration.we know about the Hijra.
Taught at school, heard in many speeches.Live, how we as a servant of Allah and the Prophet
people take istifadah (benefit) of that event?
Taught at school, heard in many speeches.Live, how we as a servant of Allah and the Prophet
people take istifadah (benefit) of that event?
Is it just the history of emigration? Or something that we should extract to be malakah (blood)
in our lives?
in our lives?
So should we look back. What we are trying menghijrahkan ourselves from evil to good?
From good to better benefits?
From good to better benefits?
Do we celebrate the 1st of Muharram, without meaning. Just a welcome change of time.
Is there in fact matter? But what a difference this by January 1st of Muharram,
which is celebrated with fireworks, parties personal harm wildlife?
Is there in fact matter? But what a difference this by January 1st of Muharram,
which is celebrated with fireworks, parties personal harm wildlife?
We Want How Much Time Gone?
Look back a moment. We've aged a few years? How much time elapsed?
What are the times that we can walk back? No.
What are the times that we can walk back? No.
So we should ask ourselves. How much more we want the time passed?
Not enough signs as a reminder of God?
"By time, verily man is in loss." Surah Al-'Asr verses 1-2.
But who of God is not mentioned among the losers fall into that?
"Except those who believe and do good.
The charge one another to the truth, and exhort one another to patience. "
Surah Al-'Asr v. 3.
The charge one another to the truth, and exhort one another to patience. "
Surah Al-'Asr v. 3.
So what we have set ourselves with what we want to fill our time?
Or do we just want to continue mempersia-ignore?
Here God has given the opportunity. He gave us a new day. The new year for us. Why do
we still not thankful for membazirkannya? Why should we not be using this opportunity to
we still not thankful for membazirkannya? Why should we not be using this opportunity to
This is where we started. Let be the slave!
No term 'too late' in the changes.
This is where we start. I passed out. Start planning the resurrection. Not merely eager to get up,
but must be strategic to get up. What is the first target? What is the target to be achieved in the
second month? This year what our resolve and determination that the plan to achieve? We
organize, we planned, we like!
but must be strategic to get up. What is the first target? What is the target to be achieved in the
second month? This year what our resolve and determination that the plan to achieve? We
organize, we planned, we like!
Be true worshipers. God truly blessed servant.
The direction we want to go?
Towards him.
"No, I created the jinn and mankind except to worship." Surah 56 verse Dzariyat
Which road do we take?
Street him.
"Say (O Muhammad): This is my way, I and those who are following me,
I call to Allah with sure knowledge, I and clear.
And I Glory to God (in all examined and false worship),
and I am not of the idolaters with something else. "
Surah Yusuf verse 108.
I call to Allah with sure knowledge, I and clear.
And I Glory to God (in all examined and false worship),
and I am not of the idolaters with something else. "
Surah Yusuf verse 108.
We never looked left and right. Moving directly toward redhaNya, paradise.